About Us

In the midst of a market of cosmetics and beauty industry with many poor quality products, floating appears. Median is always aware that the selection and screening of quality products and brands is the core value for long-term survival and development. Besides quality, Median also understands that service is the most important factor to convince customers to buy and come back for support. Bringing Vietnamese consumers the best cosmetic brands, along with the best online shopping experience at attractive prices. We are committed to the products sold in the store and through the website are always selected by us, committed to quality.
Our commitment:
Compensate 10 times the product value if selling fake goods, poor quality.
The product description on the Website is always true to the message of the manufacturer and brand.
Delivery with COD collection nationwide, customers have the right to check the goods before paying and receiving the goods
Bear all costs incurred due to the recovery of defective goods, wrong goods ordered by customers.
Lowest listed selling price